Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry
Building’s Tomorrow’s Healthy Church Today:
Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry Resources
Praise Factory is dedicated to two kinds of resources: Church-shaped children’s ministry resources; and, Church-shaped children’s curriculum. This page provides you with many good resources to better understand both. The materials listed here are the ones we most frequently give out and use with the hundreds of pastors, children’s ministry leaders and teachers who we speak to at conferences here at Capitol Hill Baptist Church and elsewhere. Free to download. Hard copies available through amazon.
overview materials
This flyer is a great introduction to the key concepts in Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry
overview materials
Praise Factory Pitchbook: This colorful, very visual booklet is the pitchbook I created to tell pastors and children’s ministry leaders about Praise Factory at conferences. Each page represents a poster at our display booth. This book allows you to skip the airfare and crowds, and learn a little about Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry and the many, free, Praise Factory resources from the comfort of your easy chair. May you find them thought-provoking and helpful.
download here:
Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry Slideshows
a quick, visual way to learn about Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry
We’ve made a series of slideshows that bring to life different aspects of Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry. These slideshows are part of the Getting Started section of this website. Why? Because it is so important to build any church ministry on the foundation set by your pastors. They are the ones who God has given you to serve not only the children and families, but everyone in your church.
Below each slideshow are pdf excerpts from the book: Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry, found in entirety in the Resource Catalog here.
Getting Started in Children’s Ministry
- The Surprising Importance of Children’s Ministry Slideshow and resources
- Get to Know Yourself Slideshow and resources
- Get Leadership Slideshow and resources
- Get Equipped Slideshow and resources
- Choosing Your Curriculum Slideshow and resources
- Making a Curriculum Custom Fit Slideshow and resources
- Care Well for Your Teachers Slideshow and resources
Building’s Tomorrow’s Healthy Church Today:
Especially for Pastors (Great for others, too!)
All new resources to help your church think through serving your families within the limits of the resources that God has given you. Based on our 25 years of children’s ministry work at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. And, the wisdom of over 30 pastors around the world I interviewed. Great advice for churches of all shapes!
Download sections of book:
Part I: Children’s Ministry, Past and Present
Part 2: Characteristics of Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry
Part 3: Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry at CHBC
Part 4: Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry in Other Church Settings
Part 6: Appendices
Appendix A: CHBC Elders’ Paper on the Baptism of Children
Appendix B: Children’s Church and Family-Integrated Church Models
Appendix C: Children’s Ministry Questionnaire
Appendix D: 11 Steps to a Custom Curriculum Fit
Praise Factory Workshop Book
Children’s Ministry philosophy and practical implications
Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry: This is the main resource we use to lead our workshop in Washington, DC. It voices the philosophy behind our Children’s Ministry program here at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. It describes the pastoral leadership that is foundational to all we do and how that is fleshed out in practical terms. The “Getting Started” slideshows are born out of the materials in this book, as well as From the Ground Up.
Available for free download or purchase through You’ll find it here in the Resource Catalog section.
You can also download here two key articles from Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry that describes the core concepts behind this philosophy.
Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry Article pdf
The Path to Gathering Together pdf
Other Workshop Resources:
DC Workshops
free, informative, thoughtful and practical… three times a year
Interested in learning more about Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry and the Praise Factory family of curriculum? Join us in Washington, DC for one of our free Praise Factory Workshop events. The next upcoming Praise Factory Workshops are: September 18, 2021, March 19, 2022, and May 21, 2022..