Getting Started
Getting Started
This section is dedicated to helping you make a great start where you are. Whether you are creating a new Children’s Ministry, trying to make your current programs be more effective as is, or you’re wanting to launch the Praise Factory curriculum, there’s something to help you here.
We’ve made a series of slideshows to help you along your way. Below each slideshow are some pdfs that will give you even more information. They are all excerpts from the books: From the Ground Up; and, Church-Shaped Children’s Ministry, both by Constance Dever.
These full books are also available to download for free or purchase through Go to Resources Catalog to learn more…
Go to:
Getting Started in Children’s Ministry (YOU ARE HERE)
- The Surprising Importance of Children’s Ministry Slideshow and resources
- Get to Know Yourself Slideshow and resources
- Get Leadership Slideshow and resources
- Get Equipped Slideshow and resources
- Choosing Your Curriculum Slideshow and resources
- Making a Curriculum Custom Fit Slideshow and resources
- Care Well for Your Teachers Slideshow and resources
Getting Started: The Praise Factory Family of Curriculum
- Meet the Praise Factory Family of Curriculum Slideshow and resources
Getting Started: The Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids Curriculum
- Introducing Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids Slideshow and resources
- Getting Started Slideshow and resources
- Session Prep Slideshow and resources
Getting Started: Deep Down Detectives Curriculum
- Introducing Deep Down Detectives Slideshow and resources
- Getting Started Slideshow and resources
- Session Prep Slideshow and resources
Getting Started: Praise Factory Investigators Curriculum
- Introducing Praise Factory Investigators Slideshow and resources
- Getting Started Slideshow and resources
- Session Prep Slideshow and resources
Don’t forget these brand-new, introductory slideshows (same as on top of home page)
- Your Ministry IS Children’s Ministry: Five Reasons Why
- Choosing, Creating, and Using Curriculum
- Overview of Praise Factory Curriculum
- Custom Build: Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids Curriculum
- Custom Build: Deep Down Detectives
- Custom Build: Praise Factory Investigators
- Praise Factory Curriculum FAQ’s