Parents’ Corner

Praise Factory resources to use at home

Welcome, Parents! Did you know that you are the Number One reason the Praise Factory is here! We want to partner with you in teaching your children the wonderful truths about the Living God who we serve and who has saved us…and who we hope and pray will be their Savior, too.

This section will:

  • Introduce the Praise Factory family of curriculum to you
  • Provide you with a shortcut to the companion, take-home resources for each curriculum
  • Tell you about some other resources you might like

Go to Parents’ Corner…

A Good Look at Books

helping parents fulfill their calling to spiritually nurture their children

Don’t Forget the Three P’s: God’s Promises, God’s People, and God’s Plan of Salvation

The English-speaking world is filled with books for kids. How to choose? The short answer of what we look for in kid’s books is this:

If the book holds out God’s Promises to kids, does it somehow explain that these promises are for God’s People, and tell God’s Plan of Salvation so that the kids can know how they can become God’s People so these Promises can be for them?

Christian books love to hold out God’s Promises to kids, but I have found many times that writers are not clear that the promises are for God’s People and/or fail to tell how to become one of God’s People. As you look at a book, look for these three elements. If they are not there, you can add them in through your dialogue with the child as you use the book.

Resource Lists from CHBC

CHBC holds an annual “Good Look at Books” event for their families. These include a workshop and a display of books for kids, babies through high school, and their parents. We try to update this list each year with new books to the market. In the pdf below you will find articles based off of our workshop as well as two booklists. One booklist is called “Old Favorites, New Finds” and includes what’s new to the market and all time favorites.  The other list includes all the books that made it onto our “God’s Promises, God’s People, God’s Plan” cut list. Books in English and Spanish. There are remarks interspersed through the lists about certain books that we include but have some reservations about. These notes may teach you a lot! Typically, the new booklists will be updated in October.

We have tried to choose the books carefully, but it’s a lot of books and only a few of us. Never take off your discernment hat for God’s truth and for what it best for your particular children. 

Praise Factory Investigators Adventure:

the 16 Praise Factory Themes set to music

This musical adventure uses a detective flair to introduce the 16 Praise Factory themes through bluegrass, rap and everything in between. These 16 songs are also used as part of Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids, Deep Down Detectives, and PFI curriculums. Listen online. Free to download. There is also a sing-along devotional songbook you can purchase through as well.

Go to Praise Factory Investigators Adventure Resources…

Looking for just the 16 Big Question and Answer Songs to download? You’ll find them here..