Parents’ Resources: Praise Factory Investigators

About Praise Factory Investigators
Designed for ages 5-11, though the Bible truths and stories can be used with older children, too.
Praise Factory Investigators is the third curriculum in the Praise Factory family of curriculum. The 16 Praise Factory themes are presented as 104 Bible truths,with three lessons of curriculum (1 Old Testament, 1 New Testament and 1 Church History/Missions story) available for each Bible truth.
About Parents’ Resources
Parent resources listed below include the music and the take home sheets (called PFI Prontos) for each story. PFI Prontos include the Bible story, an ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) Prayer, lyrics to a hymn and a Bible verse song and a few questions related to the story. Click on a unit below to see the parent resources for that unit.
Parents’ Resources: Take-Home Sheets and Unit Music
Parent resources listed below include the music and the take home sheets (called PFI Prontos) for each story. PFI Prontos include the Bible story, an ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) Prayer, lyrics to a hymn and a Bible verse song and a few questions related to the story. Click on a unit below to see the parent resources for that unit.
Click on a unit below to go to the parent resources for that unit
- All music resources are available now.
- Curriculum-related resources (PFI Prontos) available for all completed units, as noted below.
Unit 1: The God Who Reveals Himself (all resources available)
Unit 2: God’s Wonderful Word, the Bible (just music available at this time)
Unit 3: The Good News of God, the Gospel (just music available at this time)
Unit 4: The God Like None Other (all resources available)
Unit 5: God, the Good Creator (all resources available)
Unit 6: God, the Just and Merciful (all resources available)
Unit 7: The Law-Giving God (all resources available)
Unit 8: The God Who Loves (all resources available)
Unit 9: Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God with Us (just music available at this time)
Unit 10: The Holy Spirit: the Indwelling God (all resources available)
Unit 11: The God Who Saves (all resources available)
Unit 12: God’s People Live for Him (all resources available)
Unit 13: The Sustaining God (just music available at this time)
Unit 14: The God Who Delights in Our Prayers (just music available at this time)
Unit 15: God’s People Gather Together (just music available at this time)
Unit 16: Jesus, the Returning King (just music available at this time)