Parents’ Corner: Deep Down Detectives

About Parents’ Corner: Deep Down Detectives

used with ages 3-7

Deep Down Detectives is the second curriculum in the Praise Factory family of curriculum. The 16 Praise Factory themes are presented as 69 Bible Truths, with three lessons of curriculum available for each truth.

The Parents’ Corner is an easy-access point for Deep Down Detectives curriculum resources that parents can use at home with their children.

About Parent Resources

The Parents’ Resources for each Bible Truth include:

  • The music for each of the 16 Praise Factory Units (Themes).
  • The Bible story
  • Deep Down Devotionals–the take home devotional for each lesson. The front of the take home sheet is a coloring page. The back of the take home sheet provides the parents with: the key concepts; a few questions; an ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) Prayer; and, lyrics to one of the songs used in learning the Bible Truth.
  • There are THREE take home devotionals per Bible Truth, one for each of the three lessons.

Or, listen to playlist here:

Or, listen to playlist here:

Or, listen to playlist here:

Parent Resources: Take-Home Sheets and Stories  

  • Click on a unit below to go to the parent resources for that unit 

Unit 1: The God Who Reveals Himself   (all resources available now)

Unit 2: God’s Wonderful Word, the Bible  (all resources available now)

Unit 3: The Good News of God, the Gospel  (all resources available now)

Unit 4: The God Like None Other  (all resources available now)

Unit 5: God, the Good Creator  (all resources available now)

Unit 6: God, the Just and Merciful   (all resources available now)

Unit 7: The Law-Giving God   (all resources available now)

Unit 8: The God Who Loves   (all resources available now)

Unit 9: Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God with Us  (all resources available now)

Unit 10: The Holy Spirit: the Indwelling God (all resources available now)

Unit 11: The God Who Saves (all resources available now)

Unit 12: God’s People Live for Him   (all resources available now)

Unit 13: The Sustaining God  (all resources available now)

Unit 14: The God Who Delights in Our Prayers    (all resources available now)

Unit 15: God’s People Gather Together    (all resources available now)

Unit 16: Jesus, the Returning King  (all resources available now)