Parents’ Resources

Unit 10: The Holy Spirit, the Indwelling God

Unit 10 Overview

The Bible tells us that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is three Persons, but just one God. God, the Holy Spirit, carries out God’s plans–especially God’s plans to work inside His people and change their hearts. The Holy Spirit is God’s wonderful gift to His people! He is their helper and their comforter. He helps them know and love God. He helps them live for Him.

In this unit, we will learn 4 things the Holy Spirit does in God’s people. 

Unit 10 Music Downloads

Bible Truth 1:

The Holy Spirit Lives in God’s People

Bible Truth 2:

The Holy Spirit Gives God’s People Courage

Bible Truth 3:

The Holy Spirit Gives God’s People Wisdom

Bible Truth 4:

The Holy Spirit Builds God’s Church