Other Resources You Might Like

Great Games for Preschool Kids
used with ages 2-7
Games to help reinforce truths that can be used with any curriculum, any Bible story or Bible verse. These are a compilation of the games used in the Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids and Deep Down Detective curriculums.
Download here pdf

Games for Elementary School Kids
used with ages 5-12
Games to help reinforce truths that can be used with any curriculum, any Bible story or Bible verse. These are a compilation of the games used in the Praise Factory Investigators curriculum.
Download here pdf

Truths to Teach, Stories to Tell
A compilation of books for preschool and elementary school children and their parents. Also includes a useful articles in how to use books to encourage your children spiritually. Based off of the book fair held at Capitol Hill Baptist Church annually. Only offered for download because the resources get updated annually.
Truths to Teach, Stories to Tell pdf
Music Resources

Praise Factory Investigators Music CD
This musical adventure uses a detective flair to introduce the 16 Praise Factory themes through bluegrass, rap and everything in between. These 16 songs are also used as part of Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids, Deep Down Detectives, and PFI curriculums.

Praise Factory Investigators Sing-a-long Storybook
Companion guide to the Praise Factory Investigators CD. Makes use of a simple story line to teach the children even more truth about the 16 Praise Factory themes, as well as provide the lyrics and listening questions for each of the songs.
Don’t forget you can download music in the Parents’ Corner section for each curriculum; or, from the Just Music section