Unit 9: Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God With Us

Unit Overview
We are all sinners who deserve God’s punishment for rebelling against Him and His good ways. God sent His Son Jesus to be our Savior. On the cross He offered up His perfect life. He suffered and died in the place of God’s people, taking the punishment for their sins. He rose up from the grave on the third day, proving He had really done it. Now all who turn from their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior can be God’s people. They will know God in their heart in this life; and one day, when they die, they will go to live with Him in heaven forever.
In this unit we will be learning about Jesus and how He made the way to bring us to God.
Big Q & A 9 Nursery Rhyme Song
Big Question Song for Unit 9
Unit 9 Resources
Unit Songs
Story and Take Home Activity Sheets
NOTE: There is ONE Bible Story, and FIVE take home sheets in each pdf file.