Unit 15: God’s People Gather Together

Unit Overview
God’s people don’t just GO to church. They ARE the church! “Church” is the Bible word for God’s people gathering together to worship God and to love one another. Usually they gather together on Sundays. That’s the day Jesus rose from the dead, showing that He had defeated sin and death. God’s people love to celebrate this!
In this unit, we will learn about what God’s people do when they gather together.
Parent Resources Include:
- A copy of each Bible story so you can know what your kids heard in class.
- 5 take home sheets, one for each of the three lessons used with each Bible Truth. The three take home sheets are about the same Bible Truth concept/Bible verse/Bible story, but each has a different emphasis, helping the children appreciate different aspects of what they are learning.
- Each take home sheet is a two-sided document. On one side is a coloring sheet; the other side has the key concepts, lyrics to one or two of the songs, an ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) prayer, and a few questions.
- The music for the whole unit.
Big Q & A 15 Nursery Rhyme Song
Big Question Song for Unit 15
Unit 15 Resources
Unit Songs
Story and Take Home Activity Sheets
NOTE: There is ONE Bible Story, and FIVE take home sheets in each pdf file.
- Detective Dan’s Big Question Box: The Case of the People Who Loved a Lot Acts 2
- Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids Unit 15 Take Home Resources