Songs that Provide Structure and Aid Classroom Management

Teaching truths to children often involves teaching them how to learn, not just the truths you want them to learn. We find that music helps provide structure and reminds the children of classroom basics in a way that is fun and effective.
Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids and Deep Down Detectives Classroom Management Songs
Because preschoolers are getting used to classroom setting for the first, there is a need for a lot of regular cues. We have set all the major curriculum transition points as well as key, classroom management rules to music.Music helps the children learn and remember these cues easily.

1. The Classroom Song
Transitions between activities can be difficult, particularly for preschoolers. The Classroom Song is a simple song with four verses used at transition times to make transitions easy and fun.
Verse 1: The Gathering Verse invites the children to gather together to worship God.
Verse 2: The Go and Play Verse dismisses the children to play time.
Verse 3: Time to Go & Tell Verse transitions the children to Closing Circle Time, and to remember that they are in class not just to learn but to go and tell others what they’ve learned.
Verse 4: What’s Our Big News? Verse, asks the children to think about what they will go and tell others as they are dismissed.
Here is the first of the four verses of the Classroom Song, used to gather the children for Circle Time.
Sample: The Classroom Song, verse 1 (of 4 verses): The Gathering Verse
2. The Classroom Rules Song:
A simple, fun to sing/say chant of class rules used to remind children of the behavior expected on them in class.
Sample: The Classroom Rules Song
3. Let’s Pray Song: Used to cue the children to prepare for prayer.
Sample: Let's Pray
4. The ACTS Prayer Song: Teaches the children about the four, basic parts to prayer that are used in the curriculums. (“A,C,T,S” stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) (There is also a shortened version of this song also included in the curriculum music, too. Use either one.)
Sample: ACTS Prayer Song (Full version)

Praise Factory Investigators Classroom Management Songs
Praise Factory Investigators is a curriculum used for ages 5-11. These children are fairly acclimated to the classroom setting and need less cues set to music.Only the classroom rules are set to music in this curriculum. You can, of course, borrow any of the classroom management songs used in Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids/Deep Down Detectives, if more would be helpful in your setting.
1. The WoGoLOA Classroom Rules Song
WoGoLOA stands for WOrship GOd and Love One Another This song reminds the children how to act in class to help everyone worship God and to build up one another.