How Music Is Used In

The Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids Curriculum

Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids presents the 16 Praise Factory Big Questions as 16 Bible Truths. Created for use with your youngest learners (ages 2-5), this is the Praise Factory curriculum at its simplest level.

Songs in Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids are used:

  • To introduce concepts during the lesson
  • To play in the background or to sing during Opening Activity Time and during Play Time
  • To play as the music during the “Music, Movement and Memory Activity” suggested for each lesson

You or your kids don’t even have to sing them for them to be useful in helping them learn and remember the truths you are teaching.

There are four basic types of songs included in the Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids music (in addition to the classroom songs, mentioned in the classroom management songs section).

Here are descriptions and examples of each from Unit 3: The Good News of God, the Gospel.

Type 1. Big Question Songs

There are TWO songs that can be used to introduce each Big Question (and Answer):

SONG 1: The Big Q & A Song

The Big Question and Answer sung to a familiar nursery rhyme song.

Example: Big Q&A 3 Song: What Is the Gospel? It’s Salvation through Jesus!

SONG 2: The Big Question Song

Includes the Big Question, Answer and concept in song (not nursery rhyme)

Type 2. Big Question Unit Bible Verse

This is the Bible Verse for the Big Question unit set to music

Example Big Question 3 Bible Verse Song: For God So Loved the World John 3:16

Extra Songs: Sometimes the Bible Verse music includes extra songs–either different versions of the same verse or other verses related to the Big Question. We include these because the curriculum is used by a wide age range of children and one might be better suited for your particular group of children than another. Use as many or as few as you want.

Here are two examples of Extra Bible Verse songs included in the Unit 3 music:

Example Big Question 3 Extra Bible Verse Song: For God So Loved the World John 3:16 (version 2)

Example Big Question 3 Extra Bible Verse Song: For God So Loved the World John 3:16 (version 3)

Type 3. Unit Hymn

This is a portion of a hymn related to the Big Question concept.

Example Unit 3 Hymn: And Can It Be v.1 refrain only

Type 4. Unit Praise Song

This is a simple praise song related to the Big Question concept.

Example Unit 3 Praise Song: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Other Information

The audio for all of the songs in a unit come in a zipped file, along with a pdf of the song track numbers. The sheet music is included in the back of the Unit’s Core Curriculum book. Both of these resources can be found in the Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids “Get Curriculum!” section and in the Just Music section, as curriculum comes available.

You can listen to (almost) all of the songs without downloading the zip file in the Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids Parents’ Corner section.