1. Who is the author of the Praise Factory curriculum? From which church did it originate?

The Praise Factory family of curriculum is the creation of Connie Dever, wife of Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC. Mrs. Dever has been teaching children and developing curriculum for use in churches in the United States and abroad for over 30 years.

The Praise Factory family of curriculum was originally developed for Capitol Hill Baptist Church, where it has been used in various stages of evolution since 1997.

2. How do I get the curriculum?

The curriculums are available as hard copies through Amazon.com. Free downloads (when you register for a free license) are available through this website. The ONLY part of the curriculum you can ONLY get as hard copies are the stories and lesson plans that are included in the Core Curriculum books. These very reasonably priced books are how we are able to keep everything else on the website free. There are pdfs of the Core Curriculum books (with the stories and lesson plans removed) to make it easier for you to print out any of the many other resources contained in these books.

3. How much does the curriculum cost?

The hard copies are extremely reasonably priced through Amazon.com. The license to download curriculum is free–for non-commercial, educational purposes within your organization. And, since this is a buy-once-and-use-for-years curriculum, even this cost is tiny when multiplied over years of use.

4. How do I get a license to download the curriculum? What does the license allow me to do?

Simply go the Licensing link to register for a license. The license is free. It allows the registered user to make copies for non-commercial purposes within his/her organization.

5. Do I have to have a license to download parent resources or curriculum samples?


6. Can I photocopy the curriculum?

Yes, licensed users absolutely can, if for non-commercial, educational purposes within your organization.

7. How are the curriculums being used?

The Praise Factory curriculums are very flexible and contain lots of resources. This makes for many different uses. They are being used for Sunday School, Children’s Church, Sunday and Wednesday evening programs, Bible Memory Clubs, Vacation Bible Schools, Christian school curriculum, home school curriculum, and family devotions.

8.  Why does music play such a prominent role in the curriculum? Do I have to use all of the music? Where can I listen to some of the music without downloading it?

All of the Praise Factory family of curriculum is filled with music! Why? Because music is one of the most powerful memory tools God has given us. Anything set to music is more quickly learned and more likely to be retained–even into adulthood. By setting the Bible verses and the Big Questions & Answers to music, children (as well as teachers!) hold on to the very truths we are trying to teach them. However, while songs are suggested throughout each curriculum, you can choose to use as few or as many as you want. You don’t even have to use any at all.

Want to learn more about Praise Factory music? Take the Music Tour in the Just Music section.This tour will provide you with a wide variety of music examples from the curriculum. Take the Music Tour

Also, the Parents’ Corner section is a great place to listen to the songs without downloading them. Many of the songs used in each every Bible Truth of all three curriculums are just a click away. Go to Parents’ Corner

14. What other Praise Factory resources are there?

Articles, ideas and training resources….and tons of music.

Go to Just Music (mp3s)

Go to Catalog of Resources (listing of all Praise Factory resources that are also in hard copy form)

Go to Get Started (pdfs and videos that help you get started in children’s ministry and with Praise Factory curriculum)

9. Are there any Praise Factory workshops where I can learn more?

Yes! Every third weekend in March, May and September we offer a free workshop (Saturday) and observation of our Praise Factory classes (Sunday). Learn more or sign up here…

10. How do the new Praise Factory curriculums correlate to the old Praise Factory curriculums?

Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids is the new version of Teach, Take & Tell. Deep Down Detectives is the new version of Big Questions & Answers for little people. And, PFI: Praise Factory Investigators is the new version of the Praise Factory curriculum. The stories are the same, except that four new themes of curriculum that have been added in creating Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids and Deep Down Detectives.

There are a number of new elements and lots of edits in all three of the new curriculums. Also, the curriculums are now available in ESV as well as the old NIV 1984. Despite these changes, the old and new curriculums have many similarities. The transition to the new curriculums should be fairly simple for those currently using the old versions. Go to the Curriculum Comparison section of the “What’s New?” page and learn even more…

11. Why do all the new curriculum names have a detective sound to them?

Adding a light detective flair to the three curriculum has allowed us to offer listening questions to every story. The children are given “case questions” before they listen to their story, then asked the “crack the case” after they hear it.

This helps the children listen with a purpose, improving their attention as well as their grasp of the main point of the story.

12. Is all the new curriculum available now? When will you be done?

No. It is in the process of being put up online now. The old versions of the three curriculums will remain on the website until the new versions are completely up. Up-to-minute updates on what curriculum is available are posted at the top of the “What’s New?” page. Go to “What’s New?”

As for when it will be done, I hold that loosely. It is my heart’s desire to have it finished as soon as possible. But, since having cancer, life has more ups and downs than ever. All I know is that God is good and He will bring to completion all He has planned…in the time He has planned. Sorry! That’s the best answer I can give you. Pray for me! And aren’t we glad there is so much other good curriculum on the market!

13. Are there any resources or anyone I can contact to help me implement the curriculum?

From the Ground Up is a wonderful new resource that walks you through curriculum set up and implementation. It is available through amazon.com.

The “Get Introduced” and “Get Started” pages on this website will help you immensely. You might consider purchasing From the Ground Up: Making a Great Start in Children’s Ministry and with Praise Factory Curriculum. It is the basis of the “Get Started” resources. Also, there are introductory pages included with each Core Curriculum book that help you get started, too.

I think you will find that the three (free) workshops we hold annually at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC  are the best way to get in-depth help.  Learn more or register for the workshop here…

We are also hoping to add a network of registered users to the website so you can find out who else in your area is using the curriculum. They may be your closest and most accessible help, outside of the workshops.

15. What Bible translation is used for these curriculums?

All three curriculums are offered in the NIV 1984 (the original version used for the Praise Factory curriculum) as well as ESV.

16. Are you planning on making the curriculum available in other languages?

Yes! We have a team already addressing translating them into Spanish, Chinese and a few other languages.