What’s the Difference?

Time for a Change
Welcome to our new website! I’ve been hard at work creating a whole new version of the Praise Factory family of curriculum. Kept the best of the old and have added many new elements that I think you will love. Here’s some highlights, scroll down for a lot more specifics for each curriculum.
Two Versions
The new curriculum comes in ESV as well as the original NIV 1984 version.
Four New Units
Teach, Take ‘n’ Tell and Big Questions and Answers for little people both only included 12 of the 16 Praise Factory units. The new versions of each of these curriculum expands to give you curriculum for the last four units as well.
Detective Flair
All three new curriculums have an added detective element to them, adding interest and a few listening questions to each story.
New Music
There is a lot of new music. Of special note, is the addition of the 16 Praise Factory Investigators songs (from the album I did by that name) into the curriculum. These songs help the children learn not just the Big Question and Answers, but the theological concept behind each. I think you will really like these. I also put all of the classroom songs (used each week in the two preschool curriculums) to music, too. Very fun! Especially the new ACTS prayer song. Check them out in the Music section on the new Praise Factory website.
Beautiful, Big Storyboard Pictures
We have now created our own storyboard pictures (for the two preschool curriculums) that I think your kids will be very attracted to. Not only are they lovely to look at, but they are a lot bigger, which works better for story time with a large group of children.
Standardized Story Lengths
Story length varied a lot in the original Praise Factory version. In the updated version, all stories are standardized to a length that better serves the attention span of the entire range of primary school age children.
Tremendous Take Home Sheets
The take home sheets are a much more substantial resource for all three, new curriculums. They include parents’ version of the story as well as a few questions, a review of key concepts and lyrics to some of the songs. The preschool take homes are a coloring sheet on one side and the take home/devotional materials on the other side.
Registration Required for Downloads
I’m now asking that you register before downloading curriculum. Register here
Hard Copies and Downloads
There are now hard copies of everything on Amazon.com as well as free downloads from this website.The hard copies are very reasonably priced and can save you a lot of money in ink–especially the Visual Aid resources, which are all in color.
What’s Finished?
Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids is all available. It is in the tester phase for us. We are launching it at our church this September. Feel free to join us in the adventure now… or wait until next year after we’ve had a chance to make any final edits.
Deep Down Detectives is being worked on currently. Units 1-11 are available now and I hope to finish the curriculum completely in 2019. Like Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids, it will be in a tester phase for a year as we pilot here at CHBC. I offer it to you now in this early phase if you want to use it now as is.
Praise Factory Investigators (new Praise Factory): All the same units as the original version. All new units will be written after I finish getting Deep Down Detectives done, hopefully starting in 2019.
Wonderful, New “Getting Started” Resources
I think you will love the new series of slideshows I’ve created. They are intended to help those getting started in Children’s Ministry, as well as those wanting to get to know and to get started with Praise Factory curriculum. Don’t miss this series, located under “Further Resources” tab on the new Praise Factory website.
Still Just Little Ole Me
One little reminder… this website may look a bit flashier than the original version, but the team size hasn’t changed. It’s still just a one-man (woman) band building the website, writing the curriculum and music, along with everything else in between…and struggling with cancer. I humbly offer you what I write as a labor of love for our church and for whoever finds it useful. This may mean a few more typos and oops than if you get curriculum from a large curriculum publisher–hence the very low price point (free downloads and prices set as low as allowed on Amazon.) The free downloads are a great place to start to see if this curriculum is for you. Hopefully you will find the truths soundly represented and the large amount of music and activities useful.
Well…there are some of the many changes that you will find with the three, new curriculum. (Scroll down and you can see more)
May these resources (original or updated) help you as you tell children about the Living God we love and serve! Enjoy!
Constance Dever
Learn More
- Curriculum Comparison: Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids (new) vs Teach, Take and Tell (original) ages 2-5
- Curriculum Comparison: Deep Down Detectives (new) vs. Big Questions & Answers for little people (original) ages 3-7
- Curriculum Comparison: Praise Factory Investigators (new) vs Praise Factory (original) ages 5-12
- Distribution Differences
- Parent Resources
- New Book Resources
- New Music Resources
Curriculum Comparison
Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids (new) vs Teach, Take and Tell (original)
ages 2-5

Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids
- Ages 2-5
- Units 1-16
- Full samples of Unit 1 also available: called Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids Give It A Go (download through this website; hard copies through amazon.com)
- Includes curriculum for all 16 Praise Factory themes
- 16 Bible themes taught as 16 units
- 5 lessons of curriculum for each unit
- Lots of games, crafts and activities
- Rich take home sheets
- Hard copies (through amazon.com) and downloads available
- ESV and NIV 1984
- Includes 4 more units not in Teach, Take & Tell, that completes the full 16 Praise Factory Themes
- Hard copies through amazon.com
- Big, beautiful new storyboard pictures
- Lots of new crafts and activities
- Many new songs, including all of the new PFI Investigator songs from the CD
- All ESV songs are studio-produced songs
- The NIV songs are mostly those recorded in our worship hall (poorer sound quality), though I have updated a number of them with the higher studio quality ones wherever there is overlap between the NIV and ESV versions
- New detective flair to curriculum with listening assignments for each session
- A take home devotional for every session (printed on the back of the coloring sheet for each lesson–16 Bible Truths x 5 sessions = 80 take home sheets)
- A take home sheet version of the story
- A few new teaching options that help you to stretch the curriculum for use with older preschoolers

Teach, Take & Tell
- Ages 2-5
- 12 Units (Only 12 of the 16 Praise Factory Themes-
- All available
- The other 4 units will NOT be completed in this version
- Includes curriculum for 12 of the 16 Praise Factory themes
- 12 Bible themes taught as 12 units
- 5 lessons of curriculum for each unit
- Lots of games, crafts and activities
- Basic take home sheets
- Downloads available
- NIV 1984
- Will only have 12 of the 16 units
- Smaller, basic storyboard pictures
- Music to teach every Big Question and Answer and every Bible verse
- Most of the songs recorded in our worship hall (poorer sound quality)
- 1 take home sheet with basic information for each unit (12 take home sheets–1 for each unit)
Curriculum Comparison
Deep Down Detectives (new)
Big Questions & Answers for little people (original)
ages 3-7

Deep Down Detectives
- Ages 3-7
- Units 1-16 (four, additional, new units)
- Includes curriculum for all 16 Praise Factory themes
- 16 Bible themes taught as 70 Bible Truths in 16 units
- 3 lessons of curriculum for each unit
- lots of games, crafts and activities
- Rich take home devotionals, one for every session
- Hard copies (through amazon.com) and downloads available
- ESV and NIV 1984
- Includes 4 more units not in Big Questions and Answers for Little People, that completes the full 16 Praise Factory Themes
- Hard copies through amazon.com
- Big, beautiful new storyboard pictures
- Many new songs, including all of the new PFI Investigator songs from the CD
- All ESV songs are studio-produced songs
- The NIV songs are mostly those recorded in our worship hall (poorer sound quality), though I have updated a number of them with the higher studio quality ones wherever there is overlap between the NIV and ESV versions
- Lots of new crafts and activities
- New detective flair to curriculum with listening assignments for each session
- A few new teaching options that help you to stretch the curriculum down for use with 2 year olds as well as up for use with early primary school age children
- A take home devotional for every session (printed on the back of the coloring sheet for each lesson–70 Bible Truths x 3 lessons = 210 Take Home devotionals)
- A take home sheet version of the story (70 stories–1 for each Bible Truth)

Big Questions and Answers for little people
- Ages 3-7
- 12 Units (Only 12 of the 16 Praise Factory Themes)
- The other 4 units will NOT be completed in this version
- Only includes curriculum for 12 of the 16 Praise Factory themes
- 12 Bible themes taught as 52 Bible Truths in 12 units
- 3 lessons of curriculum for each unit
- Lots of games, crafts and activities
- Basic Take Home sheets, one for every BIble Truth (one for every 3 sessions)
- Downloads
- NIV 1984
- Only 12 of 16 Praise Factory Themes
- Smaller, basic storyboard pictures
- Music to teach every Big Question and Answer and every Bible verse
- Songs recorded in our worship hall (poorer sound quality)
- 1 take home sheet with basic information for each Bible Truth (52 take home sheets–one for each Bible Truth)
Curriculum Comparison
Praise Factory Investigators (new) vs Praise Factory (original)
ages 5-12

Praise Factory Investigators
- Ages 5-12
- Units 1,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 (54 Bible Truths x 3 lessons= 162 lessons) available now
- Full samples of Unit 1, Bible Truth 1 also available: called Praise Factory Investigators Give It A Go (download through this website; hard copies through amazon.com)
- All future units (Units 2,3,9,13-16–50 Bible Truths x 3 lessons=150 lessons) will ONLY be created in this version
- Curriculum for all 16 Praise Factory themes
- 104 Bible Truths taught within the 16 Praise Factory units
- An Old Testament, New Testament and Church History/Missions story for each Bible Truth
- 3 lessons of curriculum for each of the 104 Bible Truths
- Lots of games, crafts and activities
- Rich take home devotionals for every single session
- Hard copies (through amazon.com) and downloads available
- ESV and NIV 1984
- All stories have been shortened to a standard length that works well for this age range
- New detective flair that adds interest includes listening questions for each story
- Many new songs, including all of the new PFI Investigator songs from the CD
- All ESV songs are studio-produced songs
- The NIV songs are mostly those recorded in our worship hall (poorer sound quality), though I have updated a number of them with the higher studio quality ones wherever there is overlap between the NIV and ESV versions
- More and Bigger sign language pictures for each of the songs
- Many new songs, including all of the new PFI Investigator songs from the CD
- Studio quality songs
- Take home devotionals for each lesson that include the entire story, lyrics to the songs, an ACTS prayer and questions (104 Bible Truths, 3 sessions each = 312 devotionals)
- Hard copies through amazon.com as well as downloads
- New scripted lesson plans that are easy to follow

Praise Factory
- Ages 5-12
- Units 1,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 (54 Bible Truths x 3 lessons= 162 lessons) available now
- Full samples of Unit 1, Bible Truth 1 also available: called Praise Factory Investigators Give It A Go (download through this website; hard copies through amazon.com)
- Curriculum for 9 Praise Factory themes
- 54 Bible Truths taught within the 9 Praise Factory units–162 lessons in all
- 3 lessons of curriculum for each of the 54 Bible Truths
- An Old Testament, New Testament and Church History/Missions story for each Bible Truth
- Lots of games, crafts and activities
- Basic Take Home Sheets, one for each Bible Truth (one for every three sessions)
- Download only
- NIV 1984
- Stories vary widely in length
- Songs recorded in our worship hall (poorer sound quality)
- 1 take home sheet with basic information for each of the 54 Bible Truth (54 take home sheets–1 every three sessions)
- Small sign language pictures of select signs
Some Distribution Differences

Registration and Curriculum Costs
We are now asking everyone who wants to download curriculum to register first. We will give you a license to use the curriculum for non-commercial purposes within your organization. Register here.
All of the curriculum is available through Amazon and is set at prices as low as they allow. All of the curriculum is also available for free download, too.

Scoot Over Downloads! Make Room for Hard Copies!
All of the curriculum (except the mp3 files of music) can be purchased as hard copies through amazon.com. These hard copies are extremely reasonably priced. You may particularly want to consider purchasing rather than downloading the resources that contain many pictures (the Praise Factory Investigators (PFI) Songbooks that include lots of sign language pictures) or color images (the Hide ‘n’ Seek Kids and Deep Down Detectives Visual Aids books), as they will not only be a lot cheaper to purchase rather than print out, but they will look great, too.
Do you have to purchase curriculum through amazon? Nope. You can download everything free online.

Two Translations
Curriculum will be available in the ESV and the old NIV 1984.
Parent Resources

Parents’ Corner
The Parents’ Corner provides the parents with quick access to take home resources for each of the curriculums. Unlike the other resources, parents do not have to register to get access/download these materials. Resources include Bible stories, take home sheet devotionals and music. Go to Parents’ Corner.
New Book Resources

From the Ground Up: Making a Great Start in Children’s Ministry and with Praise Factory Curriculum
From the Ground Up is a resource filled with wisdom and practical advice for anyone wanting to create a children’s ministry program that makes the most of teaching opportunities at church, while supporting parents as primary spiritual care-givers of their children.
This resouce is especially useful for those implementing any of the Praise Factory curriculum. This book is the text behind much of the “Get Started” section of this website. You can download sections of the book there; or, you can purchase it through Amazon.com.

Capitol Hill Baptist Church: Philosophy, Curriculum Overview, Resources
This book is what we use to lead our workshop in Washington, DC. It has many of the resources that From the Ground Up has, but it is ordered differently to better fit the flow of our workshop presentation.
Two big differences between this book and From the Ground Up:
- This book includes samples of all three curriculum in it. From the Ground Up does not.
- This book does NOT include all of the more in-depth help on starting out in Children’s Ministry or with Praise Factory curriculum that From the Ground Up does.
We love to use it as the first part of our workshop, where we talk in more general terms. The second part of the workshop is when we talk more about implementing curriculum in your ministry situation. That’s where From the Ground Up comes in. This book can be purchased through Amazon.com.

The Praise Factory Curriculum Tour and the Praise Factory Curriculum Tour: Extended Version Books
These two books are a very visual way to understand the Praise Factory family of curriculum.
The Praise Factory Curriculum Tour book provides an introduction to the whole family of curriculum and then a basic overview of each of the three curriculums.
The Praise Factory Curriculum Tour: Extended Version goes one step further, taking you into a typical session using each curriculum. These books were used to create the slideshow tours in the “Get Introduced” section of the website. You can look at them there; or, you can purchase them through amazon.com.
Download Praise Factory Curriculum Tour pdf in Black and White
Purchase Praise Factory Curriculum Tour on Amazon.com
Download Praise Factory Curriculum Tour: Extended Version pdf in Black and White
Purchase Praise Factory Curriculum Tour: Extended Version on Amazon.com
The entire list of Praise Factory resources can be viewed in the Resource Catalog section of this website.
New Music Resources

ESV versus NIV Music
One of the biggest joys (and biggest tasks) of preparing the new ESV version of the Praise Factory family of curriculum has been creating all music to go with it. Many of the songs will be familiar to you, if you have used the old versions of Praise Factory curriculum. But, we have also added a lot of new tunes for the ESV version of previously used verses; and, have taken the opportunity to added dozens of brand-new verses set to music.

Studio Quality
The music I created for the old Praise Factory curriculums was a bit of an experiment. We did not know just how powerfully music would be to seal truths into the hearts and minds of children and teachers alike. Having seen so much good fruit from the music, I took the plunge and invested in creating the new music in studio. This means that all of the ESV music will sound much better than the NIV music, which we did not re-record. (Too much cost and time involved to re-do all of those, too.) However, there is an overlap of all hymns and even some of the wording of the NIV Bible verses with the ESV verses. In those cases, we added the higher quality songs into the NIV version, too.

Just Music: A Few New Features
Welcome, Soundcloud! Now you don’t have to download the zipped music files unless you want to. You can click on the Soundcloud link for each album and listen to the songs there or download from there. You do need to download the Soundcloud (free) app, if you are listening from a moblie device.
I’ve add a new section called, “Musical Styles.” to Just Music page. This section introduces you to 25 different styles of music used in the Praise Factory music. You don’t have to download them, but can listen to them right from the website. Go to Musical Styles
There’s another new Just Music section called, “Songs of My Journey.” This section introduces you to some of the songs that have personally been very meaningful to me in my own walk with God, especially in these last few years with cancer. I wanted to give them their own little spot, hoping perhaps they would encourage you, too. Go to Songs of My Journey.